Two-Faced Platter or Bowl

Two-Faced Platter or Bowl

What you'll need:

2 10" black System 96 Precut Rounds (or cut your own)

1 package each three colors of Spectrum Chips (or make your own) 1/2"

1 package Colorado River Rock Medium (or make your own) 1/2"

Thinfire fusing paper

A slumping mold. We used Patty Gray's bowl mold.

The purpose of this fun tutorial is to learn about basic glass control. Most fused glass projects are one-sided or have a pattern that goes all the way through the piece. With this technique, you can decorate both sides of your bowl or platter while keeping a nice round shape.

1. Start by tracing the round onto your fusing paper. A blue highlighter will not transfer to your glass. I also draw guidelines so I can place my edge pieces more accurately.

2. Arrange your border pieces on the lines. You'll need to make some adjustments once you place your black rounds. It's impossible not to move a piece or two. When you've placed the border pieces, add two layers of black round glass and then add your top decorations. You'll want to have equal distribution of the embellishments to keep your perfectly round shape.

Hint: You can use 1" squares around the edge for a slightly scalloped border.

3. Run this round through a full bubble squeeze program for a perfectly round finished (fused) piece or a full fuse if you'd like some texture on the edges and slightly raised bumps. I didn't use any adhesive on this project.


4. Slump your finished project!


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