Project Guide: Ikea Lantern Inserts
This project utilizes the Borrby lantern (black or white) in either small or large. These currently sell on Ikea for $7.99 and $14.99.
1. Gently manipulate the tabs to remove the plain glass insert(s) you'd like to replace with fused glass.
2. Using the piece of glass as a pattern, cut a base for your project.
3. Decorate your base as you'd like, making sure to leave 1/2" on each side so your piece will fit the frame when you assemble your lantern.
4. Tack fuse.
5. Assemble your lantern using your new inserts.
Tip from the trenches: To save time, I fused the fox and the duck at the same time. The fox was much closer to the elements (I stacked these) and got more of a fuse than I wanted. The cord texture totally fused out.
For this example I made three small lantern inserts.
1 comment
Cool Lantern project. I might try that!